Marco Island Part 5–Water, Water Everywhere

This group of paintings, four in number, are connected by the coincidence that each contains a bit of water.  Actually, two of them are more connected than that–you could say (and I am) that those two are siblings.

First, the end of the Sunset Watchers series.  For No. 5 we moved South to another beach that brought us closer to the waterline and hence closer to the sunset watchers.  Through a casual encounter at the northern beach last week, a couple had encouraged us  to show up at their beach wedding.  Although a great idea, when we got there we had no idea where on the beach the happy event was destined to occur.  We had to set up and lay a foundation for the sunset about an hour before sunset.  So we missed the wedding by about a hundred yards The sunset wasn’t so great either.  What you see as a sunset sky in my painting was total fabrication.  But I am happy with my progress with the sand.  And of course the sunset watchers.

Sun watchers No. 5

My next painting is an interior.  What, you exclaim?  You travel to Florida in the winter just to paint an interior!?  My excuse: I was not not in the air-conditioned home but on the lanai, a screen-enclosed –we’re talking about screen ceilings as well as walls–outdoor room that included my water element.  A swimming pool.  I had always been fascinated by the light and shadow patterns that form in pools from wafts of breezes and landings by invisible insects, in combination with the clouds overhead and the infrastructure itself.  Why should David Hockney be the only painter to enjoy painting swimming pools?

The Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool

The third and fourth paintings are the siblings referred to earlier.  We set up opposite one of many airboat enterprises in Everglades City.  Airboats are big industry because tourists want to get close to the flora and fauna that live in the mangrove forests of the Everglades.  Gators, manatees.  Been there and done that.  My first depiction of the scene is fairly complex, featuring airboat no. 6 from Cap’n Jack’s.  The second simpler project shows two boats tied up just beyond Cap’n Jack’s.  I hardly moved my easel.  Before starting, however, I set out to find a rest room somewhere.  I struck gold at my first stop, a luxury motorcoach resort.  The guy at the desk showed me to the ladies, gave me two bottles of ice-cold water, and insisted on driving me back to our painting location in his golf cart.

Jack's Airboat Rides

Cap’n Jack’s Airboat Rides

Two Working Boats

Two Working Boats

Only two days left to paint here, and only two blank supports left to paint on.  With the two I painted yesterday, that means I should be able to post four more, but probably not until I get home.  And the life at home is likely to suck up all available time, so maybe next week.







4 responses to “Marco Island Part 5–Water, Water Everywhere

  1. All sorts of water, all sorts of moods. I love these. The first one has a 19th century feel, with the promenaders and the light flickery surfaces. You have painted the pool water with lovely light and movement. As you say, why should David Hockney have all the fun? I really like the second sibling – it is pared back in subject matter and brushwork. It is nice to feel a bit of Florida air! Thanks for sharing Aline.
